Automated boiler plant 20 MWT
Audit of an automated boiler plant in the Pskov region
Russian Federation
Pskov region
Tyoply ostrov, LLC
September 2020

The audit of the boiler house was carried out to work out the issue of crediting and financing in PJSC "Sberbank".Within the framework of the audit the specialists of EF-TEK LLC carried out the following works:
- assessment of conformity of the substantiation of the actually realized main architectural, constructive, technological and engineering solutions for their compliance with the design documentation;
- visit to the manufacturing plant in order to control the production of the main equipment;
- visit to the construction site in order to control the main scope of construction for compliance with the design documentation;
- estimation of construction completion dates and commissioning of the facility within the timeframes specified in the construction contract
- analyzing and confirming the planned project budget;
- verification of the consolidated estimate for compliance with the applicable regulatory documents;
- verification of correctness of application of rates;
- verification of the correct application of physical volumes used in the formation of the consolidated estimate.