52 MW CCGT-TPP in Tutaev city
Engineering consulting services for the construction project
Russian Federation
Yaroslavl region
Tutayevskaya CCGT, JSC
June - July 2020

Tutaevskaya CCGT was established to implement the project for construction and further operation of a 52 MW CCGT-TPP in Tutaev. The advantages of CCGTs are high quality of power supply to consumers, more efficient fuel utilization, environmentally friendly and economical operation, simplicity and efficiency in maintenance. Equipment of Russian manufacturers was used at the CCGT-TPP, including four power units with capacity of 8 MW each, two steam turbines with capacity of 10 MW each, generators, four steam boilers produced by the company. The result of the project on construction of 52 MW CCGT-TPP in Tutaev assumes joint operation of the new plant with the existing boiler house with maximum efficient use of the existing equipment of the district boiler house. The engineering consulting services included:
- Expertise of the current condition of equipment and systems;
- Examination of availability of acceptance, permitting, working, executive and other documentation;
- Examination of availability of permits for works on continuing construction and commissioning of the plant units;
- Determination of the list of equipment with expired warranty periods, analysis of documents for renewal of warranties;
- Estimation of the current debt of Tutaevskaya CCGT to contractors;
- Analysis of the sources of occurrence and expediency of expenses under the commissioning contract;
- Examination and approval of the cost estimate for completion and commissioning of the power plant.