Emergency diesel power plant at CHPP-27
Development of justification for investment in construction
Russian Federation
Moscow region
Mosenergo, PJSC
February - June 2020

CHPP-27 (original name Severnaya CHPP) is located in Mytishchi District, Moscow Region. The power plant provides heat and electricity to more than one million consumers in the Northern and North-Eastern districts of the capital, as well as the city of Mytishchi.
Within the framework of investment feasibility study development for the project: "Emergency diesel power plant of CHPP-27 branch of PJSC Mosenergo", EF-TEK LLC performs the following works:
- necessary surveys of CHPP-27 to collect initial data;
- substantiation of unit and total electric capacity of ADES;
- development of principal technical solutions for several variants of ADPP design depending on the unit capacity;
- justification of the optimal location of the newly constructed ADPP on the site of CHPP-27, taking into account connection to existing engineering systems and communications;
- cost analysis for all considered variants of ADPP construction;
- development of financial and economic models, calculation of economic efficiency indicators (NVP, IRR, PI, PBP, DPBP) and analysis of the project investment attractiveness.